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Guest Experiences

Nancy and John,

I am the niece of Chuck Brotz.  I know you heard the news of his passing, but I wanted to reach out to you. I have been so very grateful he walked into your facility on Feb 14, 2022. 

Your program gave him this extra time on earth and time to be with us.  He could never have survived or fought the cancer battle on his own without the courage, strength, and clarity he gained. 

I have lifelong memories of Chuck. I visited him twice in PV (maybe 3x!).

The final time I saw him was this past July and at that time, he was the smiley, fun-spirited, hand-talking uncle I remember. 

What you provide is a blessing, not only for your residents but for families too. 

He spoke highly of everyone. Maybe not at first. Lol.  He truly got the assistance and guidance he needed, with a lot of patience and support from everyone there.  He spoke highly of yoga, was nervous about karaoke (I don’t think that ever happened), and enjoyed the outings. I think he may have asked my mom (his sister) for food ideas for a beach outing(?).   

You are appreciated. 

Thank you for everything.
Blessings to you,  



Meet Aaron

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Guest Testimonial
Guest Testimonial
Guest Testimonial
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